
The Institute has participated in previously funded networks relevant to the above activities. Indicative grants are presented below:

  • «PIK3CA Oncogenic Mutations in Breast and Colon Cancers: Development of Targeted Anticancer Drugs and Diagnostics» (NSRF 2014-2020), Cooperation, Large Scale Cooperative Projects (BRI PIs were participants)

  • "Mobility, exchanges, training and professionalism of young experts from the Mediterranean basin in the field of safety evaluation and risk assessment of botanicals." "BRAMA". Cross-Border Cooperation within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), Mediterranean Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme. (BRI PIs were participants)

  • "Thrombosis and Inflammation: The diagnostic and therapeutic significance of the secretory mechanism of endothelial cells" Epirus Region Operational Programme "New Knowledge" (BRI PI was coordinator)

  • "Innovative development of new anticancer drugs with a therapeutic target for the oncoprotein MYC" Ministry of Finance, "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020) (BRI PIs were participants)

  • «Drugging Protein-Membrane Interfaces: A Novel Approach for Targeted Drug Design», Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Research grants for Academic Staff and Researchers (BRI PIs were participants)

  • The National Research Infrastructures on Integrated Structural Biology, Drug Screening Efforts & Drug target functional characterization” “INSPIRED – MIS 5002550”. BRI PIs participate in the above Hellenic Network, which is affiliated with the pan-European Research Infrastructure Consortium on “Integrated Structural Biology, Instruct-ERIC”.