
Home > Facilities > Human Stem Cell Facility > Applications

Isolation of patient fibroblasts for reprogramming

Generation of foot-print free patient specific human induced pluripotent stem cells
CRISPR genome editing of hESCS and hiPSCs
Expression of genes of interest in hESCs and hiPSCs

Targeting to the AAVS1 locus in hESCs and hiPSCs
Differentiation of hESCs/hiPSCs to endothelial and mural cells
Targeted differentiation of patient derived hiPSCs

Formation of gastruloids
Generation of Vascular organoids
Generation of Retinal Organoids

Vascularisation of Organoids
Generation of anterior cruciate ligament
Drug and small molecule semi-high throughput screening of patient derived hiPSCs

Toxicology in human pluripotent and differentiated cell types
Endothelial barrier models to assess drug availability
Advanced imaging techniques

NeuroVascular Unit Parkinson’s Disease model