Programme: Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Title: "Optical analytical platform for large-scale heterogeneous biodata (GenOptics)"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Development and Investments (ESPA 2014-2020)
Contract Number: MIS 5067570
Researchers: A. Magklara
Role: Scientific Responsible for the University of Ioannina team (Co-Ordinator: Dr. F. Psomopoulos, INAB-C
Budget: 120.000 € (900.000 € total budget)
Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2023
Programme: Research Excellence BIOMED-20
Title: "Identification of novel oncogenic protein kinases involved in lung cancer for the development of anticancer therapies"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development
Contract Number: MIS5047236, Code: 82865
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (WP1-4); Coordinator: S. Georgatos, University of Ioannina
Budget: 3.000.000 € (Lab: 110.000 €)
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Programme: National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures
Title: "BioImaging-GR: The Greek Research Infrastructure for the Imaging and Monitoring of Fundamental Biological Processes"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: € 204.500 Euro (for the infrastructure of Ioannina)
Duration: 2018-2022
Programme: Research grants for Academic Staff and Researchers
Title: "Drugging Protein-Membrane Interfaces: A Novel Approach for Targeted Drug Design"
Funding Source: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 26,339
Duration: 2020-2023
Programme: Bilateral and Multilateral R&T Greece-China Co-operation (ESPA 2014-2020)
Title: "Development of probiotic-enriched food products incorporated in prebiotic matrices (ProBiYo)"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Development and Investments (ESPA 2014-2020)
Contract Number: MIS 5049149
Researchers: A. Magklara
Role: Participant (Co-Ordinator: Yiotis)
Budget: 120.000 € (550.000 € total budget)
Duration: 10/2020 - 10/2023
Programme: Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Title: "Optical analytical platform for large-scale heterogeneous biodata (GenOptics)"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Development and Investments (ESPA 2014-2020)
Contract Number: MIS 5067570
Researchers: A. Magklara
Role: Scientific Responsible for the University of Ioannina team (Co-Ordinator: Dr. F. Psomopoulos, INAB-C
Budget: 120.000 € (900.000 € total budget)
Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2023
Programme: Research Excellence BIOMED-20
Title: "The role of mitochondria in psychological stress"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development
Contract Number:
Researchers: M. Filiou
Role: PI (WP3-1); Coordinator: S. Georgatos, University of Ioannina
Budget: 3.000.000 € (For the lab: ~120.000 €)
Duration: 2020-2023
Programme: Biomedical Research Grants
Title: "Stress resilience: Mind the mitochondria"
Funding Source: Fondation Santé
Contract Number:
Researchers: M. Filiou
Role: PI
Budget: 50.000 €
Duration: 2020-2023
Programme: Hellenic Ministry of Finance and Development & Tourism; Type of Grant: PA 2014-2020/Interreg Greece-Italy/2
Title: "Integrated Envirinomental Management (2.1); Title: Promoting Silver tourism through valorization of MED-diet and wellbeing routes in the CBC area; Acronym: Silver wellbeing"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Finance and Development & Tourism; Type of Grant: PA 2014-2020/Interreg Greece-Italy/2
Contract Number: 5003627
Budget: (for the team): Budget: 891.999,12 €. Principal Investigator for IMBB-BR: Theodore FOTSIS; Budget for IMBB-BR: 158.619,25 €
Duration: 2018-2021
Programme: Marie Curie Individual Return grant/Training and Mobility of Researchers
Title: "Endothelial cell defense against platelet aggregation"
Funding Source: European Union
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis, Host: O.Tsolas
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 51,600
Duration: 2000-2001
Programme: Research Support
Title: "Molecular mechanisms of the anti-thrombotic function of CD39"
Funding Source: Research committee, University of Ioannina
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 5,870
Duration: 2002-2003
Programme: EMBO Young Investigator program
Title: "The role of endocytosis and secretion in the antithrombotic function of Endothelial Cells"
Funding Source: EMBO
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 55,000
Duration: 2002-2005
Programme: PENED
Title: "Inter-relationships between molecular mechanisms of signal transduction, cytoskeleton and secretion in thrombosis and inflammation"
Funding Source: General secretary of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: P. Kouklis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 66,360 (for our team)
Duration: 2006-2009
Programme: Hraklitos II
Title: "The role of VEGFR2 compartmentalization in VEGF signalling"
Title: "PIK3CA Oncogenic Mutations in Breast and Colon Cancers: Development of Targeted Anticancer Drugs and Diagnostics.Acronym: POM"
Funding Source: National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013, General secretary of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 63,000 (for our team)
Duration: 2011-2015
Programme: New Knowledge
Title: "Thrombosis and Inflammation: The diagnostic and therapeutic significance of the secretory mechanism of endothelial cells"
Funding Source: Operational Programme, Periphery of Epirus
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: € 150,000
Duration: 2013-2015
Programme: Kripis
Title: "Basic mechanisms of differentiation of stem cells"
Funding Source: General secretary of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 45,000 (for our team)
Duration: 2013-2015
Programme: Excellence (Aristeia)
Title: "Endocytosis, regulated secretion, and signalling in endothelial cells: Coordination, molecular mechanisms and implications in blood vessel diseases. Acronym: SecrEndo"
Funding Source: General secretary of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: € 177,000
Duration: 2014-2015
Programme: Cross-Border Cooperation within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
Title: "Mobility, exchanges, training and professionalism of young experts from the Mediterranean basin in the field of safety evaluation and risk assessment of botanicals. "BRAMA"
Funding Source: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 15.000 (for our team)
Duration: 2012-2015
Programme: Excellence - IKY Siemens
Title: "Coorrdination between metabolism, endocytosis and signalling: The role of the interaction between the metabolic enzyme ACAT2 and the GTPase Rab5"
Funding Source: IKY-Siemens
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: € 49,300
Duration: 2015-2017
Programme: National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation", KRHPIS II
Title: "Advanced research activities in Biomedical Technology and Agridiet"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 45,000 (for the team)
Duration: 2016-2019
Programme: Siemens Grant, Biology - Biophotonics - Health
Title: "Modern Technological Approaches and Applications in the Field of Biology, Biophotonics and Health"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 25,704 (FORTH)
Duration: 2017-2020
Programme: National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation"
Title: "BioImaging-GR: The Greek Research Infrastructure for the Imaging and Monitoring of Fundamental Biological Processes"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 16,000 (FORTH)
Duration: 2017-2020
Programme: EDBM34 for the
Funding Source: Ministry of Finance, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number: MIS5004410
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 72,100 (FORTH)
Duration: 2017-2020
Programme: Action: Research-Create-Innovate, Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Title: Innovative development of new anticancer drugs with a therapeutic target for the oncoprotein MYC
Funding Source: Ministry of Finance, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number: MIS5031813
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Partner
Budget: € 42,500 (FORTH)
Duration: 2018-2020
Programme: Scholarship Programme for 2nd phase Postgraduate Studies, Operational Programme "Development of Human Resources, Education and Lifelong Learning"
Title: “Spatiotemporal coordination and mechanisms of communication between endocytosis and regulated exocytosis upon signalling by VEGFR2”
Funding Source: Directorate of Scholarships (IKY), NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Supervisor of the recipient of the fellowship
Budget: € 12,240 (fellowship)
Duration: 2017-2018
Programme: Scholarship Programme for 2nd phase Postgraduate Studies, Operational Programme "Development of Human Resources, Education and Lifelong Learning"
Title: “Study of spatiotemporal coordination of RabGTPases in regulated exocytosis in endothelial cells”
Funding Source: Directorate of Scholarships (IKY), NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Supervisor of the recipient of the fellowship
Budget: € 12,240 (fellowship)
Duration: 2017-2018
Programme: National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures
Title: "BioImaging-GR: The Greek Research Infrastructure for the Imaging and Monitoring of Fundamental Biological Processes"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible for the Ioannina team
Budget: € 204,500 Euro (for the infrastructure of Ioannina)
Duration: 2018-2021
Programme: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Title: "Innovative development of new anticancer drugs with a therapeutic target for the oncoprotein MYC"
Funding Source: Ministry of Finance, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 42,500 (for our team)
Duration: 2018-2021
Programme: Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers - 2nd Cycle
Title: "Regulation of stem cell differentiation via endocytosis"
Funding Source: IKY, Co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible of the Post-doctoral fellow
Budget: € 19,605
Duration: 2019-2021
Programme: Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers - 2nd Cycle
Title: "Study of the molecular mechanism of galectin-1 entry into Weibel Palade bodies and exocytosis, in endothelial cells"
Funding Source: IKY, Co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible of the Post-doctoral fellow
Budget: € 19,605
Duration: 2019-2021
Programme: Scientific collaboration between Greece and Germany
Title: "Program of scientific collaboration between Greece and Germany"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 8.820
Duration: 1993
Programme: Research Committee of the University of Crete
Title: "Research Committee of the University of Crete"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 4.000
Duration: 1995
Programme: PENED-GSRT
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 25.000
Duration: 1995
Programme: PEP
Title: "PEP"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 29.000
Duration: 1996
Programme: EPET ??
Title: "EPET ?? (GSRT)"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 60.000
Duration: 1998
Programme: PENED 99
Title: "PENED 99"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 60.000
Duration: 1999
Programme: FP5-RTN
Title: "FP5-RTN, EC"
Funding Source: EC
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 196.000
Duration: 1999
Programme: AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies)
Title: "AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies)"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 37.000
Duration: 1999
Programme: Greek-French collaboration
Title: "Program of Greek-French collaboration"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 20.000
Duration: 1999
Programme: PENED2001
Title: "PENED2001"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Budget: € 117.000
Duration: 2001
Programme: AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies)
Title: "AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies)"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 37.000
Duration: 2001
Programme: Royal Society Award, UK
Title: "Royal Society Award, UK"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 17.000
Duration: 2002
Programme: EPAN
Title: "EPAN"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 135.000 for Georgatos group
Duration: 2003
Programme: Royal Society Award, UK
Title: "Royal Society Award, UK"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 17.000
Duration: 2003
Programme: Herakleitos
Title: "Herakleitos"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education (EPEAEK)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 38.000
Duration: 2004
Programme: PENED2003
Title: "PENED2003"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 178.740
Duration: 2005
Programme: PENED2003
Title: "PENED2003"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 199.088
Duration: 2005
Programme: Pythagoras II
Title: "Pythagoras II"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education (EPEAEK)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 40.000
Duration: 2005
Programme: Pythagoras II
Title: "Pythagoras II"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education (EPEAEK)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 42.000
Duration: 2005
Programme: Onassis Foundation
Title: "Onassis Foundation"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 40.000
Duration: 2007
Programme: Bodosakis Foundation
Title: "Bodosakis Foundation"
Funding Source:
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 40.000
Duration: 2008
Programme: Heracleitos
Title: "Oncogenic stress on human cells: The effects of oncogenic stress on cell proliferation, senescence, apoptosis and neoplastic transformation"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Education/EU
Contract Number: 11729
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI, Supervisor of PhD student (University of Ioannina; UoI)
Budget: 33.369 €
Duration: 2004-2006
Title: "Mechanism of action of 2-methoxyestradiol on human T leukaemic cells: The role of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 and of the transcription factor NF-?B"
Funding Source: General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), Hellenic Ministry of Development
Contract Number: 1722
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (Greece): E. Kolettas, UoI; PI (Cyprus): A. Constantinou, Biological Sciences Dept., University o
Budget: 11.400 € (each)
Duration: 2004-2006
Title: "Studies on the antioxidant properties and mechanism of action of components of Oregano vulgare L. spp. Hirtum in vitro and in vivo"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Education/EU
Contract Number: 9 (11)
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (UoI)
Budget: 50.531 €
Duration: 2005-2008
Title: "Mechanisms of action of the transcription factors E2F1 and NF-?B related to cellular senescence and apoptosis of human diploid fibroblasts"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Education/EU
Contract Number: 61/1887
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (UoI)
Budget: 50.000 €
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: PENED 2003
Title: "Molecular mechanisms involved in H2O2 and TNF?-induced apoptosis of tumour cells"
Funding Source: General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), Hellenic Ministry of Development
Contract Number: 2055
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (UoI)
Budget: 180.000 € (Lab: 60.000 €)
Duration: 2006-2009
Programme: THALIS (CancerTFs), ESPA
Title: "Defining novel mechanisms whereby IKK dependent-NF-?B activation impacts on the control of E2F-target genes in normal and cancer cells‘ Secondary Title: 'Defining novel mechanisms whereby IKK-dependent NF-?B activation impacts on the control of E2F-targe
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Education/EU
Contract Number: 379435
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: Coordinator (UoI); Members (16): University of Ioannina (4 members); Biomedical Research Foundation,
Budget: 600.000 €
Duration: 2012-2015
Programme: THALIS (GenAge), ESPA
Title: "Senescence and Longevity - Interaction of Genetic and Environmental factors: The role of genetic and environmental factors in aging and longevity"
Funding Source: Hellenic Ministry of Education/EU
Contract Number: 380228
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: Participant (IMBB-FORTH); Coordinator: G. Garinis, IMBB-FORTH, Crete
Budget: 600.000 € (Lab: 21.600 € to fund a postdoc researcher for 18 months)
Duration: 2012-2015
Title: "Investigation of the role of IKK-mediated NF-kB signalling on the regulation of E2F-target cell cycle effectors during K-Ras-induced senescence of human fibroblasts"
Funding Source: State Scholarships Foundation
Contract Number:
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI, Supervisor of a Postdoctoral Fellow (UoI)
Budget: 39.000 €
Duration: 2014-2015
Title: "Impact of IKKa and IKKb signalling on the control of E2F-target genes during K-Ras oncogene-mediated senescence of human fibroblasts"
Contract Number:
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Research Division)
Budget: 40.000 €
Duration: 2014-2016
Title: "Modern technological approaches & applications in the field of Biology, Photonics & Health‘ WP3.1: 'Biological-Experimental Models & Systems Biology'; ?itle: ‘The role of IKK/NF-?B signalling pathways on DNA damage and cancer"
Funding Source: General Secretariat For Research and Technology (Programmatic Agreements between Research Centres-GSRT 2015-2017, in the framework of the Hellenic Republic-Siemens agreement)
Contract Number: 5957/22-12-2016
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: Participant; Coordinator: IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Research Division
Budget: 8.000 €
Duration: 2015-2017
Programme: ARCHERS
Title: "Defining canonical NF-?B regulated target genes involved in lung cancer to develop novel biomarkers and potential therapies"
Contract Number: Ref#SNF0031
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Research Division)
Budget: 28.500 €
Duration: 2017-2018
Programme: BIOMEDTECH - Molecular Analysis of Biological Systems and Disease Models
Title: "Impact of canonical NF-?B signalling, ????-NF?B p65, on lung carcinogenesis"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number: MIS 5002469
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Research Division; PI WP4.3
Budget: 580.000 € (Lab: 38.500 €)
Duration: 2017-2019
Programme: ARCHERS
Title: "Investigation of canonical NF-?B regulated target genes involved in lung cancer to develop novel potential therapies"
Contract Number:
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI (IMBB-FORTH, Biomedical Research Division)
Budget: 8.400 €
Duration: 2019-2019
Programme: Internal IMBB Bridging/Supporting Research Grant
Title: "Investigation of the mechanism of action of the canonical NF-?B signalling pathway in lung carcinogenesis"
Funding Source: IMBB-FORTH, Ioannina, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: E. Kolettas
Role: PI
Budget: 10.000 €
Duration: 2020-2021
Programme: Parker B. Francis Award for Pulmonary Research
Title: "Parker B. Francis Award for Pulmonary Research"
Funding Source: USA
Contract Number:
Researchers: P. Kouklis
Budget: $120.000
Duration: 1999-2002
Programme: Pythagoras I
Title: "The role of Aherens Juctions in endothelial differentiation of embryonic Stem Cells"
Funding Source: EPEAEK (Greek Ministry of Education)
Contract Number:
Researchers: P. Kouklis
Budget: € 85.000
Duration: 2004-2006
Programme: Marie Curie Re-Integration Award
Title: "Regulation of endothelial barrier properties through activation of Rho family GTPases"
Funding Source: EU
Contract Number:
Researchers: P. Kouklis
Budget: € 80.000
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: PENED 2003
Title: "Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction, cytoskeleton and secretion during endothelial thrombosis and inflammation"
Funding Source: Ministry of Development – Science and Technology
Contract Number:
Researchers: P. Kouklis
Budget: € 199.080
Duration: 2006-2009
Programme: Marie Curie Actions-Career Reintegration Grant
Title: "The Epigenome of Breast Cancer Stem Cells"
Funding Source: European Union (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG)
Contract Number: 303519
Researchers: A. Magklara
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: 100.000 €
Duration: 03/2012 - 02/2016
Programme: ARCHERS: Advancing Young Researchers’ Human Capital in Cutting Edge Technologies in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and the Tackling of Societal Challenges
Title: "Study of LSD1 in mammary cancer stem cells"
Budget: 30.838 € (post-doctoral fellowship to Dr. P. Karakaidos)
Duration: 08/2017 - 07/2018
Programme: Strengthening the Human Research Potential Through Doctoral Research-2nd Cycle
Title: "Isolation and characterization of breast cancer stem cells"
Funding Source: State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and ESPA 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Magklara
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: 15.521 € (scholarship to PhD student John Verigos)
Duration: 05/2017 - 12/2018
Programme: PENED 89
Title: "Isolation and characterization of ATP-diphosphohydrolase from human placenta"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: O. Tsolas
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 25.000
Duration: 1990-1992
Programme: Research Committee of the University of Ioannina
Title: "Studies on the interaction of parathymosin with chromatin"
Funding Source: Research Committee of the University of Ioannina
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Papamarcaki
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 3.000
Duration: 1996-1997
Programme: PENED 95
Title: "Interaction of prothymosin with histone H1 and chromatin"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Papamarcaki
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 25.000
Duration: 1996-1998
Programme: Research Programme of the Ministry of Health ’96
Title: "Subcellular localisation and cellular interactions of parathymosin"
Funding Source: Research Programme of the Ministry of Health ’96
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Papamarcaki
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 6.000
Duration: 1997-1998
Programme: PENED 99
Title: "The self assembling of the cell nucleus: mechanism, regulation and development of inhibitors"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 146.735
Duration: 2000-2002
Programme: PENED 99
Title: "Studies on the transcriptional regulation using in vitro assembled chromatin substrates"
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, GSRT, Greece
Contract Number:
Researchers: G. Thireos
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 146.735
Duration: 2000-2002
Programme: Pythagoras II
Title: "The role of chromatin structure in the apoptotic response of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Papamarcaki
Role: Project Manager
Budget: € 50.000
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: Pythagoras II
Title: "Histone Chaperones: Structural characterisation and functional role in chromatin organisation"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 40.000
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: PENED 95
Title: "Structural analysis of Nuclear localization Signals"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 24.478
Duration: 1996-1998
Programme: Program of scientific collaboration between Greece and Germany
Title: "Structural/Functional characterization of nebulin SH3 domain"
Funding Source: Program of scientific collaboration between Greece and Germany
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 8.120
Duration: 1997-1998
Programme: Research programme
Title: "Structure and interactions of emerin, the protein responsible for Emery-Dreifuss myopathy"
Funding Source: Research Committee of the University of Crete
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 4.000
Duration: 1999-2000
Programme: AFM
Title: "Structure, expression and molecular interactions of emerin, the protein involved in Emery-Dreifuss myopathy"
Funding Source: AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies)
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 7.600
Duration: 1999-2000
Programme: PENED 99
Title: "The molecular basis and the dynamics of actin transport between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: C. Stournaras
Budget: € 146.735 (€ 25.000 for Politou group)
Duration: 2000-2001
Programme: Scientific exchange program
Title: "Molecular/structural characterization of the interactions between chromodomains and histone tails"
Funding Source: Royal Society, UK
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 17.000
Duration: 2003-2004
Programme: EPAN
Title: "A novel anti-platelet therapeutic approach in acute coronary syndromes: Combined peptide inhibitors of the platelet integrin ?IIb/?3-mediated signaling for nasal and intravenous administration"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: D. Sideris
Budget: € 380.000 (€ 21.000 for Politou team)
Duration: 2003-2006
Programme: EPEAEK Herakleitos
Title: "Structural/Functional characterization of chromodomains"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 33.574
Duration: 2004-2007
Programme: IKYDA
Title: "Molecular/structural characterization of LBR"
Funding Source: IKY, Greece and DAD, Germany
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 10.000
Duration: 2005-2007
Programme: Program of scientific collaboration between Greece and Poland
Title: "Theoretical and experimental investigation of the structure and dynamics of proteins participating in chromatin remodelling"
Funding Source: Program of scientific collaboration between Greece and Poland
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 11.740
Duration: 2006-2007
Programme: EPEAEK Pythagoras II
Title: "Theoretical simulations and experimental study of the histone code"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: A. Politou
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 42.000
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: EPEAEK Pythagoras II
Title: "Nuclear proteins-Histone chaperones: Structural characterization and functional role in chromatin assembly"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 40.000 (€ 13.000 for Politou team)
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: EPEAEK Pythagoras II
Title: "The role of chromatin remodeling factors in the apoptotic response to chemotherapy"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Papamarcaki
Budget: € 50.000 (€ 16.500 for Politou team)
Duration: 2005-2008
Programme: PENED 2003
Title: "Modeling the histone code: Theoretical simulation and biophysical analysis"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Georgatos
Budget: € 199.088 (€ 40.000 for Politou team)
Duration: 2006-2008
Programme: PENED 2003
Title: "Novel biological models for the study of gene regulation and epigenetic control"
Funding Source: GSRT
Contract Number:
Researchers: T. Agalioti
Budget: € 178.740 (€ 23.000 for Politou team)
Duration: 2006-2008
Programme: National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures
Title: "BioImaging-GR: The Greek Research Infrastructure for the Imaging and Monitoring of Fundamental Biological Processes"
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Scientific responsible
Budget: € 204.500 Euro (for the infrastructure of Ioannina)
Duration: 2018-2022
Programme: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Title: "Innovative development of new anticancer drugs with a therapeutic target for the oncoprotein MYC"
Funding Source: Ministry of Finance, NSRF 2014-2020
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Participant
Budget: € 42.500
Duration: 2018-2022
Programme: Marie Curie Individual Return grant/Training and Mobility of Researchers
Title: "Endothelial cell defense against platelet aggregation"
Funding Source: European Union
Contract Number:
Researchers: S. Christoforidis
Role: Principal Investigator
Budget: € 51,600
Duration: 2000-2001
Programme: ARCHERS-FORTH, Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Title: "Interconnections between metabolism and endocytosis: elucidation of the role of a new interaction between Rab5 and the cytoplasmic thiolase ACAT2"
Programme: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation grants
Title: "The bioenergetic dimension of stress: focus on mitochondria" (ENERGEIA)
Funding Source: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
Contract Number:
Researchers: M. Filiou
Role: PI
Budget: 180.000 €
Duration: 2018-2021
Programme: The Fondation Sante
Title: Fine-tuning the inflammatory response after cardiac injury to promote cardiac regeneration.
Funding Source: Research Grants
Contract Number:
Researchers: Dimitris Beis
Budget: € 25.000 Euro
Duration: 2024
Programme: Action: Flagship Research Projects in challenging interdisciplinary sectors with practical applications in Greek Industry, Operational Programme: Agriculture and Food Insustry
Title: Innovations in Plant Protection for sustainable and environmentally friendly pest control
Funding Source: Greece 2.0 National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Contract Number: MIS 5149305
Researchers: Vassilis Douris
Role: Partner
Budget: € 50,000 (FORTH)
Duration: 2023-2025
Programme: Action: HFRI SUB1. Basic Research Financing (Horizontal support for all sciences), Operational Programme: Life Sciences
Title: Ligands of Chemosensory Proteins as Novel Synergists
Funding Source: HFRI - Greece 2.0 National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Title: 'Stress response in single-cell transcriptional resolution (STAR)'
Funding Source: FORTH
Contract Number: -
Researchers: M.Filiou
Role: Co-PI
Budget: € 80,000
Duration: 2024-2026
Programme: Action: 'Basic Research Financing (Horizontal support for all Sciences), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Greece 2.0)'
Title: 'Elucidating the interplay of anxiety and eating disorders: Focus on brain and oocyte mitochondria dynamics (BOND)'
Funding Source: H.F.R.I
Contract Number: 15204
Researchers: M. Filiou
Role: Coordinator
Budget: € 245,448
Duration: 2024-2025
Programme: Action: '4th Call for H.F.R.I. Scholarships to PhD Candidates'
Title: 'Εxploring the role of mitochondrial dynamics in stressful interventions and high anxiety'
Funding Source: H.F.R.I
Contract Number:
Researchers: M. Filiou
Role: PhD advisor of the awardee, Mrs Maria Papageorgiou
Budget: € 29,700
Duration: 2023-2026
Programme: Operational Programme 'Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation' (NSRF 2014-2020) KRIPIS II
Title: 'Advanced research activities in Biomedical Technology and Agridiet'
Funding Source: General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
Contract Number: MIS 5002469
Researchers: Frank O. Fackelmayer
Role: Partner, “Epigenetic Silencing and Activation of Repetitive DNA Sequences in the Human Genome”
Budget: 41,500€
Duration: 2017-2019
Programme: '1st Call for Research Projects of ELIDEK for the support of faculty members and researchers and the procurement of high value research equipment'
Title: 'Probing the medical relevance of long non-coding RNA in nuclear architecture by CRISPR/Cas-targetted degradation of Scaffold Attachment Factor A (SAF-A)'
Funding Source: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI, ELIDEK)
Contract Number: HFRI-FM17-3757
Researchers: Frank O. Fackelmayer
Role: Scientifically Responsible Principal Investigator
Budget: € 179,820
Duration: 2020-2023
Programme: HORIZON 2020 – Innovation Action
Title: Leveraging AI based technology to transform the future of health care delivery in Leading Hospitals in Europe
Funding Source: European Commission
Contract Number: 101017331
Researchers: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis
Role: Partner
Budget: 495.000,00 €
Duration: 2021-2025
Programme: HORIZON 2020 – Innovation Action
Title: LETHE – A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning
Funding Source: European Commission
Contract Number: 101017405
Researchers: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis
Role: Partner
Budget: 495.000,00 €
Duration: 2021-2024
Programme: HORIZON 2020 – Innovation Action
Title: heaRt failurE paTient managEment and iNTerventIOns usiNg continuous patient monitoring outside hospitals and real world data
Funding Source: European Commission
Contract Number: 965343
Researchers: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis
Role: Partner
Budget: 391.500,00 €
Duration: 2021-2025
Programme: HORIZON 2020 – Innovation Action
Title: A patient-centered early risk prediction, prevention, and intervention platform to support the continuum of care in coronary artery disease (CAD) using eHealth and artificial intelligence
Funding Source: European Commission
Contract Number: 101017424
Researchers: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis
Role: Partner
Budget: 448.125,00 €
Duration: 2021-2025
Programme: HORIZON 2020 – Innovation Action
Title: Genomics and Personalized Medicine for all though Artificial Intelligence in Haematological Diseases
Funding Source: European Commission
Contract Number: 101017549
Researchers: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis
Role: Partner
Budget: 396.875,00 €
Duration: 2021-2024
Programme: H.F.R.I. 'Basic Research Funding (Horizontal support for all Sciences), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Greece 2.0)'
Title: 'Role of matrix Stiffness in drug Resistance and Metabolic adaptation of lung cancer'