Our laboratory specializes in the examination of the cell cycle regulation and the DNA damage response during mammalian oocyte and early embryonic development.
Cell cycle regulation during gametogenesis and early embryonic development plays an important role in fertility, embryo development and the delivery of healthy offspring. Furthermore, the actions of meiotic and stem cell regulators are also implicated in cell cycle regulation during cancer development.
Focus of research:
• Cell cycle regulation in mammalian oocytes, eggs and pre-implantation embryos
• DNA damage response in mammalian oocytes, eggs and pre-implantation embryos
• Role and function of oocyte-specific regulators that show oncogenic expression
• Mechanisms of oocyte aging and the relation of oocyte aging with chromosomal abnormalities and DNA damage
• DNA damage response in embryo stem cells, such as neural crest cells
• Cell cycle regulation of multipotent neural crest stem cells
Gonzalez Malagon SG, Dobson L, Muñoz AML, Dawson M, Barrell W, Marangos P, Krause M, Liu KJ. (2019) Dissection, Culture and Analysis of Primary Cranial Neural Crest Cells from Mouse for the Study of Neural Crest Cell Delamination and Migration. J Vis Exp. (152):10.3791/60051.
Nabti I, Grimes R, Sarna H, Marangos P, Carroll J. (2017) Maternal age-dependent APC/C-mediated decrease in securin causes premature sister chromatid separation in meiosis II. Nat Commun. 8:15346.
Marangos P, Stevense M, Niaka K, Lagoudaki M, Nabti I, Jessberger R, Carroll J. (2015) DNA damage-induced metaphase I arrest is mediated by the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint and maternal age. Nat Commun. 6:8706.
Marangos P, Carroll J. (2012) Oocytes progress beyond prophase in the presence of DNA damage. Curr Biol. 22:989-94.
Marangos P, Carroll J. (2008) Securin regulates entry into M-phase by modulating the stability of cyclin B. Nat Cell Biol. 10:445-51.
Rémillard-Labrosse, G., Dean, N. L., Allais, A., Mihajlović, A. I., Jin, S. G., Son, W. Y., Chung, J. T., Pansera, M., Henderson, S., Mahfoudh, A., Steiner, N., Agapitou, K., Marangos, P., Buckett, W., Ligeti-Ruiter, J., & FitzHarris, G. Human oocytes harboring damaged DNA can complete meiosis I. Fertility and Sterility, 2020, 113(5), 1080–1089.e2.
Gonzalez Malagon, S. G., Dobson, L., Muñoz, A. M., Dawson, M., Barrell, W., Marangos, P., Krause, M., Liu, K. J. Dissection, Culture and Analysis of Primary Cranial Neural Crest Cells from Mouse for the Study of Neural Crest Cell Delamination and Migration. JoVE (J. Vis. Exp.) 2019, (152), e60051, doi:10.3791/60051.
Zhang QH, Yuen WS, Adhikari D, Flegg JA, FitzHarris G, Conti M, Sicinski P, Nabti I, Marangos P, Carroll J. Cyclin A2 modulates kinetochore-microtubule attachment in meiosis II. J Cell Biol. 2017 Aug 17. 216:3133-3143.
Nabti I, Grimes R, Sarna H, Marangos P, Carroll J. Maternal age-dependent APC/C-mediated decrease in securin causes premature sister chromatid separation in meiosis II. Nat Commun. 2017 May 18;8:15346.
Marangos P. Preparation of cell lysate from mouse oocytes for Western blotting analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016;1457:209-15
Marangos P, Stevense M, Niaka K, Lagoudaki M, Nabti I, Jessberger R and Carroll J. DNA damage-induced metaphase I arrest is mediated by the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint and maternal age. Nature Communications. 2015 November 2;6:8706.
Ibtissem Nabti, Marangos P, Kudo N and Carroll J. Dual-mode regulation by CDK1 and MAPK controls APC activity during meiosis I in mouse oocytes. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014 March; 204(6):891-900.
Carroll J and Marangos P. The DNA damage response in mammalian oocytes. Frontiers in Genetics (Cancer Genetics). 2013 June 24;4:117.
Marangos P. Micro-injection of Morpholino oligonucleotides for depleting Securin in mouse oocytes. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2013; 957: 153-62
Marangos P and Carroll J. Oocytes progress beyond prophase in the presence of DNA damage. Current Biology, 2012 June; 22(11): 989-994.
Marangos P and Carroll J. Securin regulates entry into M-phase by modulating the stability of cyclin B. Nature Cell Biology, 2008 April; 10(4): 445-451.
Marangos P, Verschuren EW, Chen R, Jackson PK and Carroll J. Prophase I arrest and progression to metaphase I in mouse oocytes are controlled by Emi1-dependent regulation of APC/Cdh1. Journal of Cell Biology. 2007 Jan 1;176(1):65-75.
FitzHarris G, Marangos P and Carroll J. Changes in endoplasmic reticulum structure during mouse oocyte maturation are controlled by the cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic dynein. Developmental Biology. 2007 May 1;305(1):133-44.
Marangos P, Carroll J. Fertilization and InsP3-induced Ca2+ release stimulate a persistent increase in the rate of degradation of cyclin B1 specifically in mature mouse oocytes. Developmental Biology. 2004 Aug 1;272(1):26-38.
Marangos P, Carroll J. The dynamics of cyclin B1 distribution during meiosis I in mouse oocytes. Reproduction. 2004 Aug;128(2):153-62.
Dumollard R, Marangos P, Swann K, Duchen M and Carroll J. Sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations and Ca2+ homeostasis in the mouse egg have an absolute requirement for mitochondrial ATP production. Development. 2004 Jul;131(13):3057-67.
Carroll J, FitzHarris G, Marangos P, Hallet G. Ca2+ signalling and cortical re-organisation during the transition from meiosis to mitosis in mammalian oocytes. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2004 Jul 1;115 Suppl 1:S61-7.
Marangos P. FitzHarris G. and Carroll J Ca2+ oscillations at fertilization in mammals are regulated by the formation of pronuclei. Development. 2003 Apr 1; 130(7):1461-1472
Halet G, Marangos P, FitzHarris G, Carroll J. Ca2+ oscillations at fertilization in mammals. Biochem Soc Trans. 2003 Oct; 31(Pt 5):907-11
FitzHarris G, Marangos P and Carroll J. Cell Cycle-dependent regulation of structure of endoplasmic reticulum and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release in mouse oocytes and embryos. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2003 Jan;14(1):288-301
Christian M, Marangos P, Mak I, White J and Brosens J. Interferon-gamma modulates prolactin and tissue factor expression in differentiating human endometrial stromal cells. Endocrinology. 2001 Jul;142(7):3142-51